Although there is no exact date or location to which we can pinpoint the origin of candle making, it is clear that many different civilizations created their own versions of candles. their fragrance for 5000 years or more.
The Ancient Egyptians and the Formation of Candles
The ancient Egyptians are said to have made the first candles in 3000 BC with the purpose of providing light for everyday life. They make candles from a combination of tallow and reeds. Although the reed was not a true wick as we know it today, the concept still worked in a similar way to the animal fat that fuels the fire of a reed.
The Romans and the first pineapple candle
Around 500 BC, the Romans made candles by dipping rolled papyrus (made from papyrus stalks) several times in molten tallow (made from molten beef or lamb fat) or beeswax to form what is commonly considered the first wick candle.
The Middle Ages
In the Middle Ages, with the fall of the Roman Empire and the resulting lack of olive oil for burning oil lamps, the use of candles as a source of light throughout Europe became widespread.
Tallow is the standard material used by Europeans to make candles. Unfortunately, as an animal by-product, the smell of the tallow candles produced and burned was rancid. So much so that the production of tallow candles has been banned in many European cities.
At this time, beeswax was adopted by Europe as a better alternative, which did not cause unpleasant odors as before. However, beeswax candles were very expensive to manufacture and, as a result, were only available to the wealthy, the church, and the royal family.
Other local sources
There is evidence that around the world, other civilizations are also using candles made from different materials, such as in Japan, China.
The Chinese make wicks from rolled rice paper and their wax from a combination of insects and seeds, or alternatively, whale fat.
The Japanese make their candles from wax extracted from tree nuts, and in India, they make their candles from boiling the berries of the cinnamon tree. These were probably the first candles to give off a pleasant smell when burned compared to other widely used candle waxing methods.
The emergence of science and technology
By the 80s of the 19th century, when advances were made in wax and mechanization of candle production, scented candles were manufactured. It was a time when scented candles were seen as decorative rather than purely functional. Scented candles of various shapes, sizes, and colors were suddenly launched, and the first scented candles were marketed to the public.
In recent years, candles have become not only meant to be lit but have become a very beautiful, sophisticatedly designed item with a scent that makes everyone stunned. Your body and spirit are relaxed, immersed in the gentle floral scent, pure wood scent... with shimmering, fanciful light. It is also a solution to help you relax and love life more.
We invite you to visit Letitia to discover the world of modern scented candles with many styles and colors that will surely captivate you with every note.